5 research outputs found

    JPSS-1/NOAA-20 VIIRS Early On-Orbit Geometric Performance

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    The first NOAA/NASA Join Polar Satellite System (JPSS-1) satellite was successfully launched on November 18, 2017,becoming NOAA-20. Instruments on-board the NOAA-20 satellite include the Visible Infrared Imaging RadiometerSuite (VIIRS). This instrument is the second build of VIIRS, with the first flight instrument on-board NASA/NOAASuomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (SNPP) satellite operating since October 2011. The purpose of these VIIRSinstruments is to continue the long-term measurements of biogeophysical variables for multiple applications includingweather forecasting, rapid response and climate research. The geometric performance of VIIRS is essential to retrievingaccurate biogeophysical variables. This paper describes the early on-orbit geometric performance of the JPSS-1/NOAA-20 VIIRS. It first discusses the on-orbit orbit and attitude performance, a key input needed for accurate geolocation. Itthen discusses the on-orbit geometric characterization and calibration of VIIRS and an initial assessment of thegeometric accuracy. It follows with a discussion of an improvement in the instrument geometric model that correctssmall geometrical artifacts that appear in the along-scan direction. Finally, this paper discusses on-orbit measurements ofthe focal length and the impact of this on the scan-to-scan underlap/overlap

    Avoiding Stair-Step Artifacts in Image Registration for GOES-R Navigation and Registration Assessment

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    In developing software for independent verification and validation (IVV) of the Image Navigation and Registration (INR) capability for the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite R Series (GOES-R) Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI), we have encountered an image registration artifact which limits the accuracy of image offset estimation at the subpixel scale using image correlation. Where the two images to be registered have the same pixel size, subpixel image registration preferentially selects registration values where the image pixel boundaries are close to lined up. Because of the shape of a curve plotting input displacement to estimated offset, we call this a stair-step artifact. When one image is at a higher resolution than the other, the stair-step artifact is minimized by correlating at the higher resolution. For validating ABI image navigation, GOES-R images are correlated with Landsat-based ground truth maps. To create the ground truth map, the Landsat image is first transformed to the perspective seen from the GOES-R satellite, and then is scaled to an appropriate pixel size. Minimizing processing time motivates choosing the map pixels to be the same size as the GOES-R pixels. At this pixel size image processing of the shift estimate is efficient, but the stair-step artifact is present. If the map pixel is very small, stair-step is not a problem, but image correlation is computation-intensive. This paper describes simulation-based selection of the scale for truth maps for registering GOES-R ABI images

    Ten Years of VIIRS On-Orbit Geolocation Calibration and Performance

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    The first innovative Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) sensor aboard the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (SNPP) satellite has been in operation for 10 years since its launch on 28 October 2011. The second VIIRS sensor aboard the first Join Polar Satellite System (JPSS-1) satellite has been in operation for 4 years since its launch on 18 November 2017, which became NOAA-20. Well-geolocated and radiometrically calibrated Level-1 sensor data records (SDRs) from VIIRS are crucial to numerical weather prediction (NWP) and Level-2+ environmental data record (EDR) algorithms and products. The high quality of Level-2+ EDRs is a requirement for the continuity of NASA Earth science data records (ESDRs) and climate data records (CDRs), one of the two objectives of the SNPP mission and one of the three elements in the JPSS mission objective. The other objective of the SNPP mission is risk reduction for the follow-on JPSS missions. This paper summarizes the on-orbit geolocation calibration and validation (Cal/Val) activities for both VIIRS sensors onboard SNPP and NOAA-20 in the past 10 years. These activities include nominal geolocation Cal/Val activities, risk reduction activities, and improvements for the on-orbit VIIRS sensor operations. After these activities, sub-pixel geolocation accuracy is achieved. Nadir equivalent geolocation uncertainty is generally within 75 m (1-σ), or 20% imagery band pixels, in either the along-scan or along-track direction for both SNPP and NOAA-20 VIIRS sensors. The worst 16-day measured geolocation errors (radial, 3-σ) are 280 m and 267 m, respectively, in the latest SNPP and NOAA-20 VIIRS data collections, which are better than the required accuracy of 375 m (radial, 3-σ). The risk reduction activities also improved VIIRS builds for JPSS-3 and JPSS-4 satellites, and provide lessons learned for other VIIRS-like sensor builds

    Thirty-Six Combined Years of MODIS Geolocation Trending

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    Two Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensors have been in operations for more than 19 and 17 years (thus 36 combined years) as part of NASA's Earth Observing System (EOS) on the Terra platform that was launched in December 1999 and on the Aqua platform that was launched in May 2002, respectively. Accurate geolocation is a critical element needed for accurate retrieval of global biogeophysical parameters. In this paper, we describe the latest trends in the continuously improved MODIS geolocation accuracy in Collection-5 (C5), C6 and C6.1 re-processing and forward-processing data streams. We improved geolocation accuracy in the re-processed data and corrected for geolocation biases found in forward-processed data, including those caused by operations such as the stop-go-stop status of the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for EOS (AMSR-E) instrument on the Aqua platform. We discuss scan-toscan underlaps near nadir over the equator regions that was discovered in checking the non-underlapping requirement in the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) based on trending parameters from the actual Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (S-NPP) satellite orbit. The underlaps are closely tied to instrument effective focal length that is measured from on-orbit data using a technique we recently developed. We also discuss potential improvements for the upcoming C7 re-processing